Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On the Eve of my 25th Birthday

Tonight, I prepare for tomorrow. Now more than at any other time in my life I feel like I am about to embark into a new journey, shedding, like a cocoon, the first 24 years of my life.
My life is about to expand to allow new and exciting experiences into my life. In order to prepare and make space for Alisha and her beautiful life, I have to release some lingering "things" (emotions, ideas, beliefs).

1. I don't have to be perfect.
Wow that one came out of nowhere (or has it always sat close to the surface?) This is important for me because I've always placed a lot of pressure on myself to lead by example. I always felt the need to prove to others that I am worthy of their time, money, etc. The need to be perfect seriously contributed to a long period of anxiety induced stress and a few severe panic attacks. Striving for perfection or excellence in school or at my jobs was a way for me to convince others that I was better than my body.

2. My body is amazing
For the past 25 years, my body has always been there for me. I've had very good health my whole life aside from the chronic back pain and obesity, I am only "at risk" for certain diseases, and have somehow staved off diabetes. My doctors are always shocked that I am no where close to high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Each time the results come back I breathe a sigh of relief that I made it another year without some life altering diagnosis. That said, my body is not only relatively healthy, but also strong. I can lift quite a bit of weight by myself. I've also always been really flexible. My body loves stretching and actually likes being active in general. It also can heal itself. Of course I need to help it by providing the right foods and exercise but overall, my body does its normal functioning pretty well without much intervention.

3. I can't save everyone I love
This is a tough one because I have always felt the urge to take responsibility for other people's happiness. This probably started in childhood. I seemed to be shrouded in sadness and chaos as a child. I figured out that if I was nice to others and loved everyone, then I could help make them happy. This was all based on the belief that happiness is what is ideal for everyone. I still believe this to be an ideal, however I believe now that "happiness" for everyone is not always the same thing. I also now believe that I cannot make everyone happy. Some people may not like me, and that is fine. When I give advice and try to help others, and they don't take my advice, then it doesn't matter. Everyone is living their own life, inclusive of all the things they are willing to tolerate. Rather than spending so much time trying to save others. I should work on saving myself, before I am completely lost.

4. If I want to keep the friends I like, I have to reach out.
Over the last few years I have gone from having too many friends to count, to having only a few to talk to. It doesn't really matter how many friends a person has, it mostly matters the quality. I've lost a lot of friends of quality over the years. I think instead of trying to reach back to old friends, I'm just going to try to be better friends to the ones I have now. I need to be cultivating strong, sincere, honest friendships. In order to that I need to be present. I need to show up.

In celebration of living 25 complete years of life, I'm going to commit to loving and honoring myself. My top priorities for this, my first year of discovering and falling in love with my true self are:

1. Emotional Health
 - More feelings of peace
 - More feelings of joy
 - More music, art, and poetry

2. Mental Health
 - More meditation
 - More reading
 - More puzzles

3. Nutritional Health
 - Nutritious Meals
 - Daily vitamins and supplements
 - Detoxes

4. Physical Health
 - Daily movement
 - Weekly yoga/meditation
 - Daily stretching

5. Healthful Beauty
 - Natural body treatments
 - Natural skin treatments
 - Natural hair treatments

Happy Birthday Alisha. Enjoy it because you deserve it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Post Workout 3 Week 7

it's midway through week 7 and I'm not feeling very confident that I'm ready to implement all of these tools into a daily routine by myself. I keep getting distracted when I don't have things that I need to do everyday.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Post Workout 1 Week 7

Because of spring break, my trainer and I decided to move my training to Monday. My workout today was really good but difficult. I did hover planks today which really showed how much further I need to go. I like feeling like my goal is just out of reach because the progress I make towards it is very significant. Some things that I'm letting go of: 1. Getting to the gym at a specific time. - as long as o get my workout in, it doesn't matter what time I go. So this means plan ahead! If I have plans or something to do, make sure that I plan for my workout too. 2. Eating perfect - I do enjoy many kinds of food. If I want to eat it, I'm going to give myself permission to have some. I don't need a full serving, but I can enjoy a taste. I'm going to pay more attention to how the foods make me feel. So far,fresh foods always make me feel great.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Workout 4 Week 6 (assessment)

These 6 weeks really flew by. Before my workout today, my trainer had me do a fitness assessment. Basically all the same tests that we did right before I started training. The results are amazing!! BMI starting: 38.7 Today: 37.3 Change: -1.4 % body fat Starting: 42.4 Today: 39.8 Change: -2.6% Weight Starting: 225.6 lbs Today: 217.9 lbs Change: -7.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Post Workout 3 Week 6

Half way through week 6 already. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by. My workout today was good. I woke up late today so I was really full and at times uncomfortable, especially during the high heart rate stuff (lateral shuffles and jamball slams). I am noticing a dramatic change in my strength. I can do 20 squats without too much trouble

Monday, March 19, 2012

Post Workout 1 Week 6

Wow today was an emotional workout. My trainer added jumping jacks to my routine. When I saw it on the sheet I got a little panicked. I've always hated jumping jacks since before I could can remember. I sucked it up and tried to do them. I did the first set and nearly started crying. My boobs are so large that it is simply humiliating to do jumps like that. I feel so disgusting and that people are not only laughing but just totally in awe at how large my breasts are. I feel like a side act in a freak show. It makes me physically sick. I didn't make it through the 2nd set. To make things worse, I didn't bring my sports bra and had to wear my regular bra... Today was definitely an emotional stumbling block.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Post Workout 4 Week 5

This week is practically over and I'm feeling really awesome. The scale today said that I've lost 9 pounds! Now those are the results I was looking for. I did my cardio workout today, 35 minutes interval program, switch direction every 1 minute. It is definitely a difficult program and sweat was just dripping off my face and arms, is it weird that I like it? I'm sure a lot of people find it gross but I just imagine that it's fat and other bad stuff leaving my body. So in that sense it is really rewarding. Today I have nutrition counseling at the gym. I'm pretty excited about it. Notes from the counselor: 1. Afternoon snack 2. Every meal or snack needs a lean protein and carbohydrate. 3. Plan separate meals 4. sandwiches for lunch 5. eat every 3-4 hours